Tuesday, June 3, 2008

When should a notary flee from an assignment?

The notary should flee from an assignment when any overt or direct threat is made to notarize a document. If the document signer has signed the document and left before you arrive, you need to flee the assignment. If the proposed signed is impaired or there is any indication of fraud, the notary needs to flee the assignment. While conducting a deposition, you need to pack up and flee if there is a direct threat against you. If you think the deposition might get out of had, arrange for security to monitor the deposition. If someone exhibits offensive behavior based on race, gender, religious orientation, disability, or age, do not respond but you can take notes; be prepared to leave. Do not confront the person. The notary is not John Wayne or Judge Judy. Respective counsel have sole responsibility to report offensive conduct to the judge or administrative law judge supervising the case.

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